Proud as a catmom to host the international Livestream for Vitakraft pet care GmbH & Co. KG
Vitakraft has a 180-year company history and is known to many, as fish and bird food. But nowawdays it is also a leader in the field of dog and cat food.
– Therefore, there is a new high-bay warehouse, which we inaugurated today, this is a space-saving solution.
– They work with a fuel cell. Natural gas is fed into a fuel cell, which then generates energy. The nitrogen produced in the process is reused in the warehouse for fire protection and the heat is used for heating. Everything is connected, so the big keywords are #digitization and #sustainability.
Now if you drive by on the motorway on the A27, you’ll see the Vitacube from far away.
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Moderation German Speakers Association GSA Convention
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E.ON Energy Talk Livestream Moderation Janine Mehner
Janine Mehner
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